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Technological Advancements In Solar Trackers

Solar energy is increasingly becoming an important source of renewable energy worldwide. According to the International Energy Agency, solar energy capacity grew by 22% in 2020, despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Solar trackers play a crucial role in the efficiency of solar panels. 

A solar tracker is a device that moves solar panels to follow the sun’s path throughout the day, maximizing the amount of sunlight the panels receive. Technological advancements in solar trackers have made them more efficient and cost-effective in recent years. This article will explore some of the latest technological advancements in solar trackers.

Single-axis Solar Trackers

Single axis solar trackers
A single axis solar tracker

Single-axis solar trackers are the most common type of solar trackers used in the industry. They are designed to move solar panels on one axis, either north-south or east-west, following the sun’s path throughout the day. Technological advancements have made single-axis solar trackers more efficient and cost-effective in recent years.

One of the latest technological advancements in single-axis solar trackers is the use of intelligent control systems. Moreover, these control systems use sensors and algorithms to track the sun’s path and adjust the solar panels accordingly. 

This technology allows the solar tracker to operate more efficiently, ensuring that the solar panels always receive the maximum amount of sunlight. In addition, these systems can detect the presence of clouds and adjust the angle of the solar panels to ensure that they always face the sun.

Another technological advancement in single-axis solar trackers is the use of wireless communication systems. This technology allows the solar tracker to communicate with other systems in the solar power plant, such as inverters and battery storage systems. 

Furthermore, this communication ensures that the solar panels are always operating at maximum efficiency and any issues are detected and addressed in real-time.

Dual-axis solar Trackers

dual axis solar tracker
A dual axis solar tracker

Dual-axis solar trackers are designed to move solar panels on two axes, following the sun’s path in both the north-south and east-west directions. This technology is more complex and expensive than single-axis solar trackers but offers better efficiency.

One of the latest technological advancements in dual-axis solar trackers is the use of bifacial solar panels. Bifacial solar panels can capture sunlight from both sides, generating more electricity than traditional solar panels. Dual-axis solar trackers are ideal for bifacial solar panels, as they can adjust the panels to ensure they always face the sun.

Another technological advancement in dual-axis solar trackers is the use of high-precision sensors. These sensors can detect even the smallest changes in the sun’s position, allowing the solar tracker to adjust the solar panels in real-time. This technology ensures that the solar panels always face the sun and receive maximum sunlight.

Hybrid Solar Trackers

Hybrid solar trackers combine the features of both single-axis and dual-axis solar trackers. They are designed to move solar panels on one axis during the day and switch to two-axis movement in the early morning and late afternoon when the sun is at a lower angle.

Compact solar tracker
Compact solar tracker

One of the latest technological advancements in hybrid solar trackers is the use of smart sensors. These sensors can detect changes in the sun’s position and adjust the solar panels accordingly. This technology ensures that the solar panels always face the sun and generate the maximum amount of electricity.

Another technological advancement in hybrid solar trackers is the use of cloud prediction systems. These systems use machine learning algorithms to predict the presence of clouds and adjust the angle of the solar panels accordingly. This technology ensures that the solar panels are always generating electricity, even in the presence of clouds.

Solar Tracker Materials

Technological advancements have also been made in the materials used to build solar trackers. One of the latest advancements is using lightweight and durable materials such as aluminum and composite materials. These materials are strong and resistant to corrosion, which makes them ideal.

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